How to Ask for Directions in English

In this English lesson you will how to ask for directions and how to give directions to someone who as asked you.

Asking for directions to go somewhere. 

Where is the chemist?
Can you give me directions to the nearest bus stop?
How do you get to the train station?
Where can I find the nearest bakery?
How do I get to park?
Is there a supermarket near here?
Is there a sports shop around here?
Can you tell me how to get to library from here?
What’s the best way to get to the computer store from here?
What’s the quickest way to get to the music store from here?
What’s the easiest way to get to the nearest Mc donalds from here?

Asking for and giving directions with examples 

Excuse me sir. Is there a bank around here?

Yes, there is one right across the street next to Library.

Can you give me directions to the petrol station?

Of course I will, just follow this roaduntil you come to the main road. Turnright and then continue for about 100 metres. You will see the petrol station on the left.

Can you tell me how to get to the London bridge?

Am sorry I cant help as am not from around here.

 Where’s the nearest bus station?

It’s on the corner of Oxford Street and Mayfair Lane. Next to the train station.

How do you get to the mall?

You have to go straight along this road for about 200 metres. Turn right when you see Apple street. carry  on straight ahead till you see a Tesco supermarket. The mall is opposite the supermarket.

Is there a bank near here?

Yes, there is one in Orange Street. Orange Street is the third road on your right.

Excuse me sir. Could you please tell me where I can find the nearestchemist?

Yes, there is one next to the Bakery. Go back the way you cameTurnright after you go past the bank and there is one on your left next to the hospital.

Asking for and giving directions vocabulary

It is on the left
It is on the right
It is straight on
next to
at the end of Oxford street
on the corner of James road
at the end of Stanley Street
Behind the Petrol station
in front of the Mall
just around the corner from here

Landmarks you can use when giving directions

When giving directions you will often use landmarks as a way of giving directions.
traffic lights
level crossing

dead end
motorway bridge
railway bridge
dual carriageway
pedestrian crossing
zebra crossing

Learning how to ask for and give directions English lesson